
Aestehic of Plato

About shch e e with t e t and h e a to e C b e you and C u with tons and. Already a General overview of the theoretical, philosophical aesthetics Plato gives every reason to fundamentally be judged on the value and evaluation of art in the system of the philosopher. With a particular pony - tention of art we meet in Plato is determined at each building step. Therefore, what we have to do now in connection with his main aesthetic principle and mnogochislennymi modi - picariae of this principle, hardly going to make anything new in предьцlуиіее exposition of the aesthetics of Plato. However, we previously encountered only by chance and not systematically in the study of problems of General aesthetics of Plato, have now, lay down systematically, with all the necessary details and study all the pertinent terminology. So, first of all, we will not have to solve the question of what is art, according to Plato, in his being. Real, genuine and perfect work of art, according to Plato, is visible and tangible, sensual, material cosmos.

The maximum realization of all ideal principles be - ment, and to the limit of perfection got all the material specific basis of existence. From the previous it is also clear that all other works of art are not real produced - tions of art, but only a weak copy, or, as Plato says, only an imitation of the cosmos, and through him, the implementation provided in this eternal ideas. The perfect embodiment of ideas in space removes the problem of opposites of art and nature, as the cosmos in exactly the same degree is also specifically organsaving.a work of art and quite betuscasino free, even accidentally, occur - ing nature. However, of course, removed, and all the questions that have always engaged in art theory. These are the questions on the form and content of ethical and aesthetic beginning in art, realism or idealism, about his style, about his A. F. Losev. HISTORY OF ANCIENT ESTETIKI creative reasons and passive materials about its origin, purpose, goals, ideology, progress and its ideal. All these problems have been solved by Plato in his common, filosofs coy aesthetics and we expect in subsequent parts only and Ter - terminology this entire problem. Clear from the previous is Tauke and assessment that commonly among people called art. This art does not raise any objections on the part of Plato only as long as it is just like space, is also doing, and, moreover, in perfect shape, the most real and authentic things.

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