
General determinologization language of Plato

The words here are not only not assigned to any specific value, but, on the contrary, Plato is fond of constantly transitions the meaning of the word, playing with different values to one and the same word and prekrasno feels in complete vagueness of these values. The diversity of individual term and many of its inherent semantic shades must be studied by us in the first place. But you can't get involved in Digi - lissom, which often occurs in the ways to explore endless semantic shades of the Platonic text. We never shall cease our search that deep and a Central core that lies behind the actual diversity of the use of the term. The huge terminological PE - strata pointed to the Italian scientist Bruno Lauretano '. Prima - rum modern attitude to terminology Plato is the new work of the German scientist Mannsberger 2 Mannsberger, then conducted a thorough analysis of the term physis ' in Plato. His works on this subject did not exist. D. Mansberger considers himself a follower of the new pony - mania of Plato's language, which was put forward by Yu. Schtan - purpose. The word physis Plato uses is extremely common, especially in the later works, much more often than even such basic to Plato's philosophy, the terms eidos, idea, oysia, and more often than uses the word physis, Aristotle. D. Mansberger has in Plato no less than 778 seats with the word physis. But the meaning of this term is so vague and uncertain that no researcher wanted to take up his determination. Wilamowitz ‘, for example, eliminates the problem of values of this critical term, considering that man Plato had used it just for the sake of comprehensiveness of the style of a brand in the same sense that the words eidos, idea, dynamis G. Leisegang even rebuked of Plato because he is hopelessly confused the meaning of physis, techn e and nomos7, using them indiscriminately, one instead of another.

In General, the researchers warehouses 1The teachings of Plato on art is seems that the result of mixing concepts, under - state logical definition of untidiness old style, INR - poznajete and uncertainty in the teachings of Plato about the nature of CA - RIT complete mess that should not even deepen. At this point they were mainly researchers PLA - tones from ancient times until the beginning of XX century. Already Diogenes Laertius says of Plato: "Often he uses different words in relation to the same referent... he Uses opposite expressions, speaking about the same". Diogenes Laertius makes a guess about the reason for this practice: "•a Variety of words he uses to BPI obscure for those not versed in the matter" (63). And in 1906 Vailati writes that in Plato the terms related to abstract ideas, incapable "to preserve accurate and Stro - th a certain value, originally attributed to them". A completely different approach suggested Yu Stenzel, which expressed the revolutionary idea that Plato "in those concepts, which seem to be unstable and, it is necessary to try to see the guns the deepest insight into the essence of things•"'. Stenzel assume that just explain the most basic, original concepts in Plato we find not because they seem to clear themselves. The language of Plato, as pointed out, Stenzel, associated living, and close our connection with the native language of his people. Plato takes this last word in its ancient etymological meaning with the whole "aura", as expressed by Stenzel that surrounds them. All these circumstances have fallen off the radar of most European scientists because of their Hobbies the logical aspect of the language. In this regard, it is useful to recall an interesting argument L. Witgenstein. In svom "Philosophical issledovaniiakh" 3 compare he was thinking with language, built a crystal purely from a logical point of view, with the movement of a person standing on a completely clean surface of the ice. With одноfї hand, тaкoft the person is in nailest conditions for quick and easy re - placement. On the other hand, no movement in fact it is impossible due to the smoothness of ice to ethakota, well, it is"kPa rough surface. Plato in his terminology is precisely on such a rough surface. A study in Platonic terminology. HISTORY ANTIC NOAH STATICI STI natural language, with all the inconsistency and nulogicness of the language. But, as noted by GG in his work on the 7th letter of Plato , the ambiguity and "•the metaphor" language make it suitable for the Plato tool. These are the prerequisites with which to approach the problem of the terminology of Plato 2. Of course, some terms in the study of a theory will not do as much and even substantial it can be expressed without the help of appropriate con - many terms, but some figurative, allegorical, artistic, and sometimes even the ordinary, quite common language. All these reterminologisation of element всякоfi theory, we take into account. However, one can hardly argue against the fact that the greatest importance here, a special expression of Plato. With them and need to start learning any of Plato's theory, not forgetting that is expressed at a Plateau - and without special terminology.

In a special terminology total PLAtonowski art theory a major role is played by the term techn e, which is often translated as "art". This translation is, however, superficial. First of all, techn e, is not only in art," but, as we shall see, and •craft and science•". If you look at all occurrences of this term in Plato, the meanings of the term is so much that the very enumeration of them is quite difficult. The main thing - it's a complete surprise of those or other values, sometimes far removed from the aesthetic realm. This does not mean that Plato meant by the "art" of some kind xaoc or confusion. But if you seriously refuse a priori schemes, we have perforce to take into account the infinite variety of occurrences of this term and all the subtle transitions and the intermediate links in this very confusing semantics. Together with the term techn e acts and a whole family of similarity among terms, which also play in Plato is not the last role.

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